


Dear friends, promotions never end at Casino Elite. Be part of the unique occasions that we have prepared for you with events to be enjoyed. The wheel of fortune turns and looks for you.

We invite you to spend pleasant and amusing evenings in our company by putting amazing opportunities at your disposal again.

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 Dragi Gosti,
Želimo vas obavijestiti da će, zbog značajnih radova na obnovi Hotela Coral, Casinò Elite biti privremeno zatvoren od 1. prosinca 2024. godine.

Radujemo se nadolazećim poboljšanjima i obavijestit ćemo vas čim budemo spremni ponovno vas dočekati u našem obnovljenom kasinu.

Hvala vam na razumijevanju i vjernosti.

S poštovanjem,

Vaš Casinò Elite

Cari Ospiti,
Per consentire importanti lavori di restauro dell’Hotel Coral, il Casinò Elite


Siamo entusiasti dei miglioramenti in arrivo e vi avviseremo non appena saremo pronti a riaprire!

Grazie per la vostra comprensione e fedeltà.

Vostro Casino Elite

    Dear Guests,

We would like to inform you that, in order to allow for significant restoration work at the Coral Hotel, the Casinò Elite will be temporarily closed starting from December 1, 2024.

We are thrilled about the upcoming improvements and will keep you updated as soon as we are ready to welcome you back to our renewed Casinò.

Thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty.

Best regards,

Your Casinò Elite

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